Monday, May 31, 2010

Alright so here is my make up post for my misses day
see I didn't forget I just couldn't get to a computer
Alright so before we left for the boat we stopped at good old T Hos to get some breakfast!
I got one of their new whole wheat blueberry muffins and of course an ICE CAPP haha alright not exactly breakfast drink but hey I got it for would take it too
Alright so as you know today is Memorial Day and what would Memorial Day be without a picnic with the family?
Today we had an awesome family picnic well indoor picnic because it was threatening to rain but it was still a picnic
We had some really great food and everyone pitched in...
We had chicken, salmon, and steak
Some awesome salads and some really great desserts

Apple Pie and delicious berries

Cherry Cobbler and a big Cookie Bar thing!
It was all so good and of course we brought some home
I love family picnics!
So tomorrow I am making dinner for my parents friend and I'm pretty excited about it because they have been wanting me to cook for them for awhile so I hope they really like it

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